Monday, October 10, 2011

CSI episode and CSI and Moral Authority: The Police and science

The CSI episode was a very interesting show. I don't normally watch CSI because there are just too many of them and it would take me years to catch up.  The show was very dramatic which  I liked also, at the same time it was very weird with the whole octopus involvement.  I also liked how there was a turning point at the end which makes the audience more on their toes because they don't know what to expect next.   In CSI shows they always seem to have top of the line technology and always neat/clean to where there is no way they could lose evidence nor ever be wrong.  They also act like they have no budget to where they could always afford to work on 2 cases at once with no limitations. My least favorite part in the show was when they were disecting the dead body up close trying to gross out viewers like me.

The article talked about how CSI shows have emotional hooks, trying to draw us in and make us have feelings towards whatever is happening. Like in the CSI show we watched in class, an emotional hook would be when the guy was playing with the invisible ball to comfort the little boy and make him more abundance to telling what he saw at the train station. They also mentions that CSI science is always right and we need to trust in it. Also CSI tries to deliver that science is very complicated by the guys wearing white coats and them using words we have heard before. The shows also try to represent that work is a very happy place and you always want to be there because it is so spotless and organized. Overall CSI is so unrealistic with their science never being wrong and they don't need the police involvement to solve any case because they are all smart and can always recreate any crime scene easily. CSI projects the image that all cases are solvable by highly technical science but really so many problems are intractable.

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